Officially approved Network West Midlands travel departures app for the West Midlands.
This free app helps you while you are "on the move" in the West Midlands.
View your next departures
Real-time (where available) and scheduled times for Bus, Train and Metro
Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton, Walsall, Sandwell, Dudley, Solihull covered and now includes other stops outside of these areas where nBus tickets are valid
Automatically find your nearest stop or station
Search for a location manually
Keep a list of your favourite stops / station and personalise the names
Receive the latest service updates and network news
Find out other useful travel information, such as tickets and operator contact details
Links to a basic* mobile Journey planner
Integrates with Apple Maps and is location aware
*for the optimum Journey Planner experience please download our sister app “NetNav”
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">Secara resmi disetujui Jaringan West Midlands keberangkatan perjalanan app untuk West Midlands.
Aplikasi gratis ini membantu Anda saat Anda sedang "bergerak" di West Midlands.
Lihat keberangkatan berikutnya
Real-time (jika tersedia) dan waktu yang dijadwalkan untuk Bus, Kereta dan Metro
Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton, Walsall, Sandwell, Dudley, Solihull tertutup dan sekarang termasuk berhenti lain di luar daerah-daerah di mana tiket nBus berlaku
Secara otomatis menemukan berhenti terdekat atau stasiun
Mencari lokasi secara manual
Menyimpan daftar favorit berhenti / stasiun dan personalisasi nama
Menerima update layanan terbaru dan berita jaringan
Cari tahu informasi wisata yang berguna lainnya, seperti tiket dan Operator rincian kontak
Link ke dasar * perencana Journey ponsel
Terintegrasi dengan Apple Maps dan lokasi sadar
* Untuk optimum Journey Planner pengalaman silahkan download aplikasi saudari kita "NetNav"</div> <div class="show-more-end">